Tips and Tricks for Rebranding a Website Successfully

A website is the end-point for all the digital marketing efforts of a company. It is also the digital touchpoint for the end-users looking for information on the brand, products, and services of a company. Every ad that runs on the World Wide Web aims to entice potential customers on clicking the company’s website. However, all these efforts will not bear any fruit if the website itself is not impressive at first glance. From a difficult user interface to slow loading speed, there could be numerous things that could go wrong with a website. In such cases, website rebranding is the only way forward.

What does Website Rebranding Entail?

Oftentimes, when we speak of a rebrand, most people think about creating a new corporate identity. While it is true that a logo design company can be extremely useful in creating a new logo for the new website, it is not enough. Rebranding a website is not only about making some aesthetic changes. It also involves making changes to the website’s layout and design, modifying the web content, making it mobile-friendly, optimizing the SEO and meta tags, and reducing the loading time.

Essential Tips for Rebranding a Website

Rebranding a website is a major exercise that can deliver great results. The essential tips for doing so are mentioned below:

1. Define Your Goals

The first question to ask is ‘Why do you need to rebrand your existing website’? By answering this, you will find out your expectations from the new website. In case you have hired professional logo designers and web developers for the job, then they must have given you a list of questions to answer.

What colour will the new logo be? What will be the tone of the website? For example, an education institute may want to go for a trustworthy approach, but a beauty salon may want to take a more casual approach. Should the website have a live chat feature? And many more such questions. Giving a truthful answer to each of them will give you a better idea of what you want from the rebranding exercise.

2. Create a Backup

create a backup

Creating a backup of your old website is often overlooked when starting the process of website rebranding. But it is one of the most crucial things to do. Web developers must be sure to store a backup for all the data files of the existing website.
While creating the new website, having access to the old files can be of immense help. From retrieving a certain image on the old website to accessing particular data, the backup files could prove to be immensely helpful in the process of redesigning the new website.

By accessing the backup files, web developers can better evaluate what were the mistakes that occurred on the old website. By taking a closer look at the source codes, they can identify the errors and take precautions to avoid them.

3. Understand Your Target Audience

understand target audience

In most cases, the major reason for rebranding a website is due to its underperformance in attracting visitors. It is important that you run a thorough analysis of your target audience to understand why the old website failed. Being able to predict the needs and wants of your audience will increase the chances of your new website to be successful.

The first step in researching your target audience is to build their personae. What age group do they belong to? What is their occupation? What is their salary? What are their pain points? What do they need to feel satisfied? What are their expectations? Finding an answer to these questions will give you a better understanding of what your audience wants from the website.
Social media and customer surveys can also be used to find out your audience’s tastes and preferences. For example, if you are an online beauty retail store, find out what features a customer would expect from such a website. When you better understand the audience’s expectations, you can plan your website rebrand in a better way.

4. Go for an Uncluttered Web Design

If you have hired a professional web development and logo design company, the least you can do is to trust their judgment and expertise. In a bid to get the maximum value out of their services, clients often demand more garish and over-the-top features on their revamped website.

But as per the current market trends, minimalism is the rule to follow. Choose a layout that’s devoid of too much clutter. There must be equal space given to text, images, and graphics. Do not underestimate the power of having some negative or white space on the website.

A cluttered design with heavy information neither looks aesthetically appealing nor does it make the page easy to load. On the other hand, a minimalist design can make the website lighter and quicker to load. This definitely helps in improving the user experience.

Another way to improve the web user experience is to opt for a responsive website design. You may read our blog to know how a responsive website can benefit you.

5. Design a Mobile-friendly Website

mobile friendly website

Today, websites are not limited to desktop viewing only. We live in the era of smartphones. It is reported that 55.4% of internet users use their mobile phones to purchase products online. Thus, a mobile-friendly website is necessary to make it successful. The website’s layout and various features must be easy to view on smaller screens of a smartphone, iPad, or tablet.
Building a website that’s mobile-friendly helps you to earn brownie points with customers who prefer mobile browsing. Developers need to pay special attention to the loading speed of the site, user interface, easy navigation of text and images, and so on. Having a mobile-friendly website also helps to boost the site’s SEO rankings.

6. Content Rebranding
content rebranding

It is important to re-evaluate the quality of content displayed on your site while re-branding your website. Does the existing information align well with your updated goals? Is it matching the sensibility of the rest of your site? Most likely, the answer will be negative.

To fully rebrand your website, you must also rebrand the content in it. And by content, we do not mean only the textual words. A 360-degree marketing content strategy comprises well-thought write-ups, high-quality images, animations, videos, and graphs.
The aim of your content strategy should be to convey the message of your brand to the user in a precise and concise manner. The words and the images should instantly form a connection with the user to entice him/her to keep browsing further.

Wrapping Up

A website rebranding process might be long and time-consuming. It needs careful planning and implementation, which is best carried out by experts. If you’re seeking professional expertise, Logo Design India is a reputed brand that offers excellent website designing and development services.

As discussed above, website rebranding involves multiple facets of the web development process. From design to content writing, there are many things that must be looked into. At Logo Design India, we have an experienced team of developers, designers, and content writers who can deliver the best results.

For more details, please call @ +91 9830721090.

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