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Logo Redesign Dilemma: When to Refresh and When to Start from Scratch

A logo is like a brand’s face—its visual identity. When a brand wants to change, it will naturally look at the logo and consider if it needs refreshing. The question appears: should you hire a logo design company in India and let it update the current logo or prepare a new logo from scratch? Logo redesign is no doubt an expensive endeavor, and many sensitive aspects like brand recognition, identity, customer relationships, etc. are connected with it. And that’s why it’s crucial to consider all associated factors before making a decision.

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This blog post explores the logo redesign dilemma, helping you choose the best thing for your business.

Signs Your Logo Needs Attention

Now, before we go into the details, let’s check if a redesign is really needed. Here are some signs that your logo could be asking for an upgrade:

Old Fashioned Look: Just like clothes and hairstyles, design styles also change over time. If your logo appears old-fashioned or uses outdated design elements, it could benefit from an update to match current trends.

Absence of Clearness: A robust logo must show clarity, being recognized easily even when small. If the logo appears messy or hard to understand, then it doesn’t work efficiently for its purpose.

Limited Reach: Is your logo only relevant to a certain group of people? A good logo needs to be clear and understandable for the targeted audience. Custom logo design services can do the job here.

Inconsistent Application: A unique logo design is adaptable and functions well in different applications, such as on print materials or digital platforms. If your logo does not maintain consistency across these mediums, it may require a redesign.

Refresh vs. Redesign: Weighing Your OptionsIf you have identified potential issues, you have two main paths ahead: refresh and redesign.


A refresh is about enhancing your current logo while keeping its fundamental parts intact. This suits best when:

Brand Recognition is Strong: Sometimes drastic logo changes can be harmful if your logo is already well-known and linked with the brand. Refreshing it will let you update it without losing its brand value.

The Foundation is Solid: The basic concept of the logo is solid, but some aspects like color scheme, font selection, or layout require adjustments.

Maintaining Consistency is Crucial: In some areas, such as finance or healthcare, a sense of stability may be essential. A refresh can provide modernization without causing too much shock.

Examples of Successful Refreshes

Pepsi: In the year 2008, Pepsi cautiously modified its logo by making it more elegant and contemporary while maintaining the identifiable red, white, and blue color patterns.

Starbucks: Starbucks’ redesign in 2011 was a simplification of its logo. They removed the outer ring and made the Siren image more refined, keeping brand identification intact while improving its clean look.


Redesigning means starting over. This is a bold action that may be required when:

The Logo Doesn’t Match with Brand Values: The visual representation of your logo should reflect the core message and values of your brand. If there is a misalignment, it requires a complete redesign.

The Logo is Not Effective: If your logo seems perplexing, easily forgotten, or just does not fit well on different platforms, then a redesign could be needed.

There’s a Significant Brand Shift: Has your brand experienced a significant strategic change? A fresh logo can visually depict this transformation and earn the trust of your target audience.

Examples of Successful Redesigns

Shell: Shell left behind its old seashell logo in 2015 and adopted a new, simpler, and abstract design. This change showed their shift toward renewable energy.

Airbnb: In 2014, Airbnb’s redesign removed the old logo that was cute and replaced it with a new one that looked more sophisticated. This showed how they had transformed from being just another startup into a well-known brand.

Making the Decision: A Step-by-Step Guide

Here’s a roadmap to guide you through the decision-making process:

Perform a Brand Audit: Examine where your brand stands now, who its main audience is, and what values it holds. This will assist in comprehending how the logo needs to visually embody these aspects.

Study Market Trends: Investigate the latest design trends in your industry. Being trendy is not everything, but knowing your visual surroundings helps you make decisions with knowledge.

Assess Your Logo Now: Discover the strong points and weak areas of your present logo. Does it show clarity? Adaptability? Memorable?

Consider Brand Recognition: How crucial is it for your business to maintain brand recognition? A robust existing brand may require an update, but a fresh attempt could afford a more daring redesign.

Goals for Redesign: What are your aims with the redesign? Is it to make things more modern, increase interest from a wider audience, or show a change in brand direction?


The predicament of logo modification centers around brand strategy. A refresh preserves recognition while updating, ideal for well-established brands. On the other hand, a redesign proposes a blank canvas for substantial brand transformations. If it feels too confusing to decide, hire a logo design company in India and discuss it with the experts. Logo Design India is a decade-old logo-making firm with a proven track record of delivering exceptional logos across industries. It is equipped with creative minds and has access to the latest design tools. Logo Design India can deliver exactly what you are looking for. A small glimpse of its previous work is here: https://www.logo-design-india.com/portfolios/logo-design/.

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