What Makes Responsive Web Design So Important

The number of Smartphone users is increasing at a rapid pace, and it is expected that there will be over 2.9 billion Smartphone users by the end of 2019. this has led to an increasing number of people using their mobile phones solely to browse the internet. A study showed that over 60% of online searches come from Smartphones.

Web Design

However, there are instances when the website on a mobile device does not look good enough on the screen, leaving the user with a bad taste in the mouth. With responsive web design, websites will display evenly on the screen of every device, making viewing a pleasant experience.

There are three different distinct parts to responsive web design. These are:

  • A flexible grid
  • Flexible images: Media working in a flexible context
  • Media queries: Works in optimizing the design for varied viewing contexts, and corrects bugs at different resolutions.

Factors That Make Responsive Web Design a Necessity

One of the compelling reasons to opt for the responsive website is simply because your website looks amazing with responsiveness. In addition, you can actually engage your users with a responsive website, and in the process, leave them with a good impression of your brand.

Deliver Superior UX

With responsive web design, you can provide the most enjoyable experience to the viewers. After all, it is quite distressing to wait for an “ever loading” website. With responsive website design, you can provide UX experience that will make the end user start loving your brand. Today, responsive web design services are mostly included as part of web designing of clients by most of the web design companies.

Reach The Largest Number of Customers

Another benefit of responsive web design is the possibility of reaching to people who do not have the choice of using a personal computer. This is to be expected as most people now own Smartphones, even though they do not have personal computers. With responsive web design, you can reach to your potential visitors looking for products or services that you provide. This not only increases the traffic to your site but also help in improving the ranking in Google search results.

Cut Down Maintenance Cost

Previously, there were two separate versions of a website were developed by web designers – one for the desktop and the other for desktop. However, this increased the maintenance cost as well as the effort required in maintaining both the versions updated. On the contrary, with responsive web design, it is possible to manage your site easily without using many resources.

Optimize Your Site for Quick Loading and Conversions

No one likes to wait for an ever-loading website to appear on the screen. If the website does not load within 3 seconds, there are good chances of losing your customers. And that means you are losing on your revenues. Without being responsive, the time taken for a site to load is likely to be over 5 seconds. Hence, it makes sense to ensure that you have a responsive website that loads in the first 3 seconds of your user landing on your site.

Now that you have an understanding of the importance of responsive web design, you should consider having a responsive website, if you want to see your business grown very quickly. If you want to see your site as responsive, you will find many web design companies providing responsive web design services to not only make your site look amazing but make the site load quickly on any devices.

Logo Design India is a responsive web design company that can optimize your site to make it responsive and bring in more business and revenue.

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