The Ultimate Guide to Designing a Product Page

With eCommerce on the rise, people now aim at deriving the maximum benefits from their purchases online. As a result, the product page on a website has become very important. As the owner of an online business, if you are hiring professional website design makers, then make sure your product page is unique and engaging. You want your customers to spend more time looking through the products. Remember, more time spent on browsing can increase the chances of conversion.

product page

So, when you hire services for an eCommerce website design, pay special attention to your product page. A good product page should be easy to navigate and pleasant to look at. It must display all the products along with their features, USP, and pricing. The goal of a product page is to establish trust so that customers feel encouraged to make a purchase.

Best Practices to Design a Product Page

While hiring website design services in India, keep in mind the below-mentioned steps are followed to make a good and engaging product page.

1. Use High-Quality Product Images

We live in an age where people spent a lot of time scrolling various sites, including eCommerce. And once they visit an eCommerce site, they keep scrolling through the listed products till something catches their interest.

product imagesThe best way to grab the attention of a potential buyer is by using attractive and high-quality product images. When someone visits a product page, the primary focus is always going to be the images. So, it is vital the page doesn’t disappoint in that aspect.

While designing a product page, website designers must use high-quality images. A study revealed that 67% of eCommerce consumers give importance to the quality of a product image while selecting and purchasing a product. Good photography is needed to build trust in the minds of the consumers as they cannot touch or see the product in person.

It is recommended to add multiple images to a product page. Show the product from different angles so the customers can visualize the product better. One also has to be mindful of the size of the images. Optimize the images to the smallest size so they do not have any problem with the loading speed.

2. Write Attractive Product Descriptions

Product descriptions are a vital part of a well-designed product page. They are used to create excitement and need for the product in the minds of the consumers. A well-written product description informs online shoppers about the product’s features and how can they benefit. Good and lengthy descriptions also help to make the page content-rich, which can help with better SEO rankings.

product description

Writing product descriptions needs specialized skills. When you hire a web design company in India, ask if they provide content writing services too. Professional writers can expertly spin their yarn of words to create attractive and compelling descriptions that speak to your target customers directly.

The descriptions must be concise. Use clear and simple language so that they can be read and understood by everyone visiting the eCommerce site. Keep the sentences direct and to the point. Add bullet points where you see fit to make it look more presentable.

3. Place CTA Buttons Throughout the Page

The primary motive of a product page is to get more conversions. So, don’t forget to add CTA buttons throughout the page. When you hire professional website design services, give them clear instructions on where you want your CTA to appear on the product page. It is a common practice to have two-three CTA buttons placed on a single page. There is no harm in being a little aggressive, as long as it doesn’t hamper the user experience.

CTA buttons

The most common words used for CTA on a product page are “Buy Now”, “Add to Cart”, “Get it Here”, and some more. Whatever the phrase may be, remember it should be direct and encourage visitors to make the purchase.

Another smart tactic to make your CTAs more visible is by using a different color for them. A separate shade catches the attention of the user easily. But remember, it should abide by the general color palette of the page.

4. Create a Sense of Urgency

Creating a picture of urgency and scarcity of products is a tried-and-tested way of convincing customers to make a faster purchase. This plays into the psychological process of decision-making. Use smart marketing tactics to compel the user to click on the “Buy Now” option.

Convey to your customer the urgency to buy by starting a limited-time countdown. You can use some hacks like “Sale ending in 2 hours”, “Last 5 items left” or “Free Shipping ends in 30 minutes” to trick the customer into making a quicker buying decision.

Urgency and scarcity are effective ways to get more conversions from online customers.

5. Add Some Customer Reviews

It is not an exaggeration to say that online shoppers have a severe lack of trust. Since they cannot touch or see the product in person, they do not always feel confident while making a purchase. This is where customer reviews become important. Research has suggested that 84% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

customer reviews

Your first goal is to get the customer interested in your product by using attractive images and a compelling product description. Next, he/she would like to go through the customer reviews to find out what others are saying about it. Reading positive words about a product can give the customer a final push into clicking the “Buy Now” button. So, when you choose a custom web design for your product page, give a prominent position to your customer reviews.

6. Take a Mobile-Friendly Approach

Your product page must have a responsive web design. Make this a non-negotiable point in your checklist. Mobile users have taken over the global web traffic in a big way. Remember, about 72.9% of all retail eCommerce sales in 2021 came from mobile devices. Hence, if you want your product page to be accessible to a larger share of people, then go for a mobile-friendly page design.

mobile friendly

eCommerce sites rely on mobile users for conversions as they are more likely to indulge in impulse buying. Imagine travelling in a cab and just scrolling down a site to pass the time, when suddenly a product catches your eye and you add it to your cart. But for this to happen, the website must follow a responsive design. Being mobile-friendly also helps with higher SEO rankings.

Wrapping Up

Designing a product page is a vital step in building an eCommerce site. When you hire website design services in India, let the company know of your expectations from the page. At Logo Design India, our design team works in close collaboration with our clients to create beautiful and functioning web pages that fulfill all the needs of the client.

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