The Role of Paper in Changing Color of Printed Logo Designs

Did you know that paper quality and type could alter color of the printed product? Yes, it is true! Many times, clients blame designers for messing up the colors. However, they are unaware of the fact that in certain cases, the paper quality, and type are responsible for the change of color. In fact, various paper stocks can produce various tones from the same ink color.

Even if you do not opt for color ink, controlling color is crucial. If you print black ink on a color substrate, there are high chances that it would appear containing color.

Paper Types and Printing
Many people, while printing designs, ignore the issue of paper quality. As a result, the poor quality of paper ruins a great logo design. If you are interested in obtaining perfect printouts of your design, paying attention to various aspects is important. These aspects can include design, type of paper, paper quality, and good quality inks.

Remember, that paying equal attention to all these factors will help you to avail high quality printout of your business logo design.

The importance of using good quality paper lies in the fact that customers usually judge a company by evaluating its marketing products. If you provide them with high quality promotional materials, they will automatically assume that quality of your products/services is good and you have an impeccable corporate identity. Consider the fact that customers purchase products only from a trustworthy company.

Issues you should consider…

  • Thick paper usually indicates esteem and credibility. If you are handling a prestigious project, opting for thick paper can be a good idea. For printing brochures, opt for 70-100 pound cover. 13 or 14-point paper is ideal for printing postcards.
  • If you are interested in grabbing attention of your target customers, choose glossy paper. The gloss finish will highlight designs of the page, thus attracting the customers.
  • If you want your logo designs to possess a subtle appeal, printing them on matte stocks can be a good idea. Designs printed on matte stocks suggest exclusivity and grace.
  • To enhance appeal of your printed designs, you can use special coatings, such as UV and aqueous. It will protect your designs as well.
  • If your company promotes eco-friendliness, use recycled paper stocks. This will convince your customers that you practice what you preach.

While developing designs for a particular project, decide the type of paper you will use for printing purposes. This will ensure that the designs and paper type complement each other. A smart design looks good on a sleek paper. For subdued designs, on the other hand, matte stocks would be perfect.

If possible, request the printer to provide you with free paper samples. This will help you to envision your designs more quickly and efficiently.

Other Factors in Printing

Apart from the type of paper used, the light under which a person is viewing the printed material can also drastically alter the color tone. It can be added here that supermarkets often opt for this technique for changing color of their displays. Lights alter appearance of meat displays, often providing it with a fresher look.

Before signing any deal, do not forget to request the printer to provide you with a proof. Opting for a hard copy, even for digital proof can be a great idea. Remember that a PDF proof will not show correctly the color of your designs.

To ensure that color of the printed product does not change drastically, consider these tips.

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