A Detailed Look At The Mobile Application Testing Process

Long gone are the days when mobile phones were used only to send and receive calls. With the development of technology catering to media and mobiles, mobility solutions and applications too are constantly on the rise. Businesses work more productively with the help of mobile apps with retailers, publishers, dealers and other service providers have claimed to achieve a higher rate of success using mobile applications. Not to mention, an efficient, more prompt manner of interaction between developers and users.

A proper mobile application development process, strategies and other rules are formed keeping in mind the needs and requirements of mobile users, providing them with the right features and services, making the user experience a seamless one. This is precisely why a proper mobile testing plan needs to be implemented before deploying the mobile application. Varying screen sizes, resolutions and operating systems thus do not pose a hindrance for customers who use the mobile application.


The Process Of Mobile Testing

An end-to-end mobile testing process, user acceptance and the device testing stage are some of the few steps that need to be followed to deliver the perfect application to clients.

1. Types Of Testing

It is a prerequisite for the application to work on all known devices run by iOS and Android. Since users use a variety of devices, both manual testing and automation testing were used to develop the right application.

2. QA Support

The team who performs QA support is an integral part of the entire development process. The services provided by the team ensures a prompt and steady implementation of the app that is being developed.

3. Beta Testing

The step involves one of the most important steps of the process where beta users are asked to browse through all of the pages of the application. This ensures that bugs that are detected are tested and modified, rendering the app with all the required features before releasing it into the market.

4. Performance

The responsiveness, stability, resource usage, parameters and more are all tested along with the user Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) that are essential design services for every Mobile Application and Website, are all tested before having it released into the market.

5. Device Testing

The application is also tested on a number of devices and operation softwares to come across inconsistencies along with errors and bugs that need to be fixed immediately. The application also goes through a lot of testing at the mobile application testing labs.

6. The Final Summary Of The Test Report

The test summary report is generated by the QA manager where a detailed overview of the bugs, errors, assessments is listed. Important information that was a result of the tests are also mentioned here. The detailed overview makes it easier for the software testing department in the future and acts as a learning curve as well as a document of referral for many.

Get hold of some of the best website design and mobile application design and development services and reward yourself with a business enhancing app that had gone through multiple rounds of testing.

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