A Comprehensive Guide to Improve Your Website Performance

Your website isn’t getting sufficient traffic, has an increased bounce rate, and is facing low conversion rates. You’re seeking help to improve the overall situation, and everyone is suggesting you do SEO (search engine optimization). Is SEO enough to combat all these issues and fix your website performance? The answer is no. SEO does a great job, but before that, you have to be sure about the health and performance of your website. Consult with a leading website design company in India or elsewhere, diagnose the health of your site, and decide on the measures that can improve its performance.

Website Performance

Great content, high-quality backlinks, and attractive meta descriptions help get more traffic and boost the conversion rate. However, they often can’t perform at their best if your website is in poor health. So, first, you need to check your website performance and fix it accordingly.

What Is Website Performance?

Website performance stands for how quickly your website pages load and display in the web browser. It is a crucial part of the visitor’s experience and also the key to your online success. Good website performance is the cornerstone of a successful website. Actually, it’s the first event that your visitors experience. The first impression can influence how users feel about your website and the overall business, as well as whether they should make a purchase or not. If you haven’t hired any website design services in India, you can start checking the website performance with tools like Think with Google, Uptrends’ Free Website Speed Test, and so on.

Why Is Your Website Performance Important?

Website performance improvement is crucial for any business that is looking to grow and beat the competition in the industry. A fast-loading website ensures a long list of benefits; some of the major ones are listed below:

Better User Experience

Your business website should be fast; otherwise, your site visitors will hit the back button, leave your site, and indulge with your competitors. That’s frustrating!

Higher Rankings

Did you know Google’s PageSpeed Index rewards fast-loading websites by letting them rank higher in search results? To rank better in the SERP, fix your website performance as soon as possible.

Customer Loyalty

If the site is fast-loading, easy to navigate, and easy to place an order on, there is a high chance that your customers will stay loyal to you.

Improved Conversion Rate

The performance of your website can affect the conversion rate. Slower-loading websites experience higher abandonment rates and affect lead generation and overall sales.

Better Mobile Traffic

According to Oberlo, mobile web traffic accounts for 54.8% of global web traffic. So, most of your customers will be mobile visitors. Mobile visitors want rapid results. If your website isn’t performing well on mobile devices, you lose a lot of traffic and leads. Hire the best website design services in India and make your website responsive accordingly.

What Affects Your Website Performance, and How Can You Improve It?

There are many factors that can affect the performance of your website, such as image sizes, page weight, redirects, HTTP requests, and so on. Hire one of the best website design companies in India, like Logo Design India, and find out what exactly affects the performance of your site. If you detect the issues early, you can resolve them quickly and save your website from its downfall.

1. Maintain Optimal Image Sizes for Better Website Performance

Images are one of the crucial factors that can impact the website’s performance and overall user experience. If you use larger images on the website, it will add weight to the page and result in a slow loading speed. The optimal image size varies from picture to picture. Here are some image optimization tips that can benefit you:

  • Use images that do not exceed the boundaries of the screen
  • Use images wisely; a page with fewer images loads quickly
  • You can follow the page ruler to get precise dimensions
  • Also, don’t forget to use image compression tools and plugins

Apart from all these, you should also consider the quality, formatting, dimension, and resolution of the images to ensure better performance and user experience.

2. Ensure an Ideal Webpage Size or Weight

You know that page weight stands for page size. It is a vital aspect of website performance. It can affect how quickly a web page loads on a user’s screen. The more content you include on a page, the larger it will be in terms of bytes. In order to optimize your web page, you can follow the below-mentioned tips:

  • Detect any unnecessary plugins and remove them
  • Analyse which components are increasing page weight
  • You can try offsite video hosting
  • Experts also combine CSS and JavaScript
  • Reduce the number of requests from the browser and combine multiple assets into one file

3. Reduce Redirects & HTTP Requests

Websites follow the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP). It allows a web browser to request information from a server and then display it on a web page. When a user visits your website, the browser sends an HTTP request to the server of the site. Then the server sends back the information and displays the content. In order to let a website load quickly, there should be as few HTTP requests as possible. Here are some ways to reduce HTTP requests:

  • Optimize JavaScript and CSS files
  • Use a CDN
  • Reduce image size
  • Merge multiple JS files

Redirects are another thing that can affect the performance of your website. These redirects can take a user from one page to another. If your website contains too many redirects and some points of redirects don’t exist, the site can rank lower and cause user frustration. Some tips to reduce redirects on your website:

  • Enable 301 permanent redirects
  • Add canonical tags to remove duplicate content
  • Delete old redirects
  • Find our broken links and fix them

4. Check Your Hosting Plan

Maybe you bought your hosting plan years ago, and at that time, it was perfect. However, today, it may not be relevant or support you enough if your website has gained attention and traffic has increased in the meantime. It can lead to downtime, poor website performance, and an increased bounce rate. Hire a web design company to determine your ideal hosting plan.

You need to upgrade your existing hosting plans to meet modern requirements. For a shared hosting plan, you can consider options like dedicated website servers, VPS hosting, and serverless websites.

5. Use Browser Caching

It is a temporary storage area that lets the browser reuse content files to reduce network traffic. If used correctly, browser caching can improve website performance. It can also save time and bandwidth, boost the user experience, and increase loading times. Experts also suggest using plugins to create a cache in WordPress.


This blog has covered the five major components that can affect your website performance and how to fix them. If you are a business owner, your plate is already full, and it’s hard to make time for these tasks. Instead of managing everything on your own, hire a reliable website design company in India to take care of your business website. Creative web design service providers like Logo Design India can help you build a responsive web design or revamp an existing one to ensure optimal performance. Good website performance helps the site rank better on the SERP and get more traffic. Also, to unfold the best benefits of SEO, you should start with a well-performing website. Boosting your website performance isn’t hard if you choose the right professionals.

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