5 Reasons It Is Not a Good Idea to Use Logo Generators

Your brand logo is a crucial part of your business. So, it is absolutely important to get the perfect design for it. It may be tempting to use online logo generators, but it is not recommended for several reasons. Online logo makers like Wix or Canva may seem like the cheapest, easiest, and fastest solution, but remember, quick and cheap do not guarantee quality. A generic design cannot represent your business the way a unique logo created by a logo design company can.

Online Logo Generators v/s Professional Logo Design Companies

There are several online logo generators across the web. Some are completely free, and some charges a minimum fee to generate a logo. However, there are even more reasons why you should not use logo generators to design your business logo, such as:

1. Uniqueness Is Important

An online logo generator provides predesigned symbols and icons that anyone can avail. As a result, other companies can also create logos that are similar to yours. A professional logo design company, on the other hand, focuses on creating a unique brand identity through the logo. A business logo must be not only unique but also relevant. Logo design companies assign creative graphic designers to create an original logo that has a high visual impact while it communicates with your customers on what your business is about.

2. Generic Approach Is Not Appreciated

Logo generators take a generic approach to design a logo because they must appeal to thousands of businesses. These kinds of logos that have a broad appeal lack the creative and distinctive design age. Graphic designers at logo design companies create noticeable logos that are different from others. The design process explores shapes, colours, illustrations, and fonts to make a logo that stands out.

Logo Design India

3. Confusions Must Be Avoided

Just like you cannot write a book and call it an original by copying the words of someone else, similarly, you cannot create an original logo by using a logo generator and its off-the-shelf symbols, icons, and colours. Both existing customers and potential customers get confused if they come across multiple businesses with similar logos. As a business owner, misleading the customer is the last thing you want to do. It is important to gain the trust and respect of the customers. Only then, you will get a loyal customer base.

4. Creativity Is the Key

A logo generator cannot ask you many questions about your business. As a result, it does not understand the story of your brand. However, when professional logo designers create a logo, they make sure to incorporate your specific qualities and values into the design. They give the design a lot of thought and analysis that a logo generator cannot do. By bringing creative expression to the logo, a unique story is created within the artwork. The end result comes out a strong and distinctive piece of work that you can use for market communications while showing consistency across your brand.

5. Brand Identity Needs Protection

If you create your business logo by using an online logo generator, there is nothing you can do to stop another company from generating an identical or similar logo. There are high chances of such occurrences, especially if the logo is free and quick to regenerate. You need to protect your brand identity, and to do that, you must create a unique logo, register it, and upload it to Google image search to make sure that it remains unique.

Conclusion: Logo Design India is one of the best logo design companies in India that offers an array of logo styles, including iconic, textual, illustrative, 3D, and emblem logos. Without using any logo generator or clip-art, graphic designers work on their creative ideas for every logo design. To get your own unique logo created by expert professionals, contact Logo Design India by dropping a mail at enquiry@logo-design-india.com.

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