Realistic Ideas to Resolve Conflict with Your Business Logo Design Client

Conflicts are not uncommon in the field of business logo design where you have to work with client’s preferences and opinions. It all starts with some minor verbal disagreements and then rises up to major decision changes from the client’s side. As a result, what suffers the most is your business.

Most clients try to influence the designers into doing something they think is right and most designers try to explain the subtle points of logo design to clients who don’t care about it. Here are some of the ways you can deal with disagreeing clients:

Control Your Emotions

While most designers are very talented, they are not very good at the emotional front. Do not be emotional when your client disagrees with you. I understand how difficult it is to get rid of your own creation if the client wants so but have control over your emotions. That’s the most important way you can control your situation.

Back Your Point Up with Facts

Gather data and whatever information is required to support your point. Bring in some statistical analysis and hard facts that would validate what you are saying.

Lighten the Situation with Humor

Try to make the situation a little less serious by bringing in some humor. Be witty and say something that you know for sure would bring a smile on your client’s face. This would buy you more time and give you the scope to look for a chance of improvement. Plus, on the client’s end, it would make him feel a little less bad about the whole problem.


I’m not telling you to compromise but since you are the service provider, you have to arrive at a point of agreement with your client. After all, your client is the one who is spending the money and if there is no client, there will be no money for you. You do not want that to happen. Adjust. Accommodate his/her wishes.


Lastly, keep in mind the fact that you do not only have to have technical skills but also good communication skills to liaison with you clients on every step of the logo design process. Disagreements and conflicts are bound to occur. Getting past them and delivering your work as requested by the client is the key to success for you and your logo design company.

Best of luck!

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